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"Tomskcable" joint the group of Tomsk enterprises of Federal Center for Competence (FCC)

The goal of this project is to increase the efficiency of production and the entire enterprise as a whole. Tomskcable sure that this project is an excellent opportunity to get highly professional industrial consulting, improve the efficiency of production processes, increase the growth of competitiveness and financial performance of the company.
In order to implement the project, a working group, including the executives of various directions, who actively participates in the work with the pilot project was established.
The head of the working group is the executive of the development of production processes, Kononov Mikhail Vladimirovich:
— “We have been selected and are receiving the help of federal experts as part of a national project to increase the labor efficiency. The project is a unique opportunity to gain practical experience and knowledge that can be used to replicate changes and improve production processes in the future.”
FCC: “Enterprises will have to become one of the locomotives to achieve the Russian Federation Presidential Decree - to ensure the growth of the labor efficiency in medium and large enterprises no lower than 5% by 2024, to develop effective measures, spread the knowledge and stimulate economic and social breakthrough in labor efficiency.
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