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Размер и масса деревянных барабанов
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All products are subject to mandatory and voluntary certification.
Low price
Fast delivery of products within Russia as well as other countries
Номер барабана
Длина щеки, м Диаметр шейки, мм Наружный диаметр шейки, мм   Толщина щеки, мм Масса барабана без обшивки, мм
8 800 450 230 38 30

800 450 400  38  33
800 450 500 38 36
10 1000 545 500 50 58
12 1220 650 710 50 97
12 1220 650 500 50 113
14 1400 750 710 58 137
16а 1600 800 600 58 187
17 1700 900 750 70 215
18 1800 1000 900 80 418
20 2000 1260 900 90 451
Modernisation and optimisation of production is carried out at the enterprise on a regular basis. Every stage of the finished product manufacturing process is automated and is under 100% strict control: from the selection of raw materials to shipment for the warehouse.
Optimal production time
Orders are put into production on the day of ordering as per the terms and conditions of the Contract.
Fair price
We manufacture products from high quality materials only after a strict inspection of their quality. We guarantee a fair price for high quality products.
Tomsk cable factory offers a flexible payment system for its customers and the timely delivery of products within Russia and for foreign countries.
Products certified
The quality of Tomskkabel products is confirmed by certificates of the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union, GAZPROMSERT, GOST R, Military Register, Maritime Register, certificates of compliance with the requirements of technical regulations On Fire Safety Requirements, and a license for the right to manufacture and the supply of products for the nuclear industry.
You have not found products or do not know the exact parameters and brand of cable?
Call +7 (3822) 49-80-09, and our managers will help to you find a suitable cable.
Characteristics, weights and structural dimensions, presented on the website, are for informational purposes only. 
Feel free to ask the managers any questions you might have.
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