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Tomskcable LLC has successfully confirmed the quality management system for compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015


On the first working days of 2020, Tomskcable LLC conducted the first supervisory audit by the Quality Management Systems (QMS) Certification Body of Bureau Veritas Certification for compliance with standards of ISO 9001: 2015 and GOST R ISO 9001-2015.

The main purpose of the audit was to confirm the ability of the quality management system of Tomskcable LLC to achieve the established goals in the field of quality and to comply with the Quality Policy, to ensure its compliance with applicable legislative, regulatory requirements and consumer requirements, as well as the conformity of the quality management system of Tomskcable LLC to the requirements standards of ISO 9001: 2015, GOST R ISO 9001-2015.

The following sections were used as audit methods: selective study of the QMS documented information, interviews with staff, as well as monitoring operations at workplaces. The main contact persons were the heads of the departments and specialists of the Company.

Midterm audit observations were provided at the end of each audit day. Audit observations, conclusions and recommendations were presented at the closing meeting.

The results of the first supervisory audit showed that the declared certification area corresponds to the activities carried out in the Company, Top management, in order to implement and ensure the functioning of the QMS, allocates the necessary resources (material, financial, informational, human, etc.), responsibility and authority within the defined QMS.

According to the results of the audit, the quality management system of Tomskсфиду LLC was recommended for the extension of certification according to GOST R ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001: 2015)

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