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Tomskcable is ready to receive on rolling stock wires order


Initiative development work was carried out in Tomskcable “Development for TOFLEX type rolling stocks rail transport”. According to the procedure of agreement with structural departments of JSC “RZD”, the development has been done.

Tomskcable is ready to offer TOFLEX PPSPPng(A) - HF- UHL brand products on the results of work, that has improved operation value and increased reliability level and fire protection.

The production are used for internal and external connections of electrical equipment on rolling stock, including special rolling stock of the railway transport; designed  for rated AC voltage up to 4 000 V with AC voltage frequency up to 6 000 V.

The wire PPSPPng(A)-HF-UHL can be operated at the temperature from – 60 °С up to + 70°С under the influence of climatic factors complex and its lifetime of at least 40 years.

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