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Tomskcable is the leader of the Russian industry!


Тomsk cable factory is one of the three leaders of the labor efficiency in the Russian electrical industry.

In March 2019, Tomskcable became a member of the National Project “Labor efficiency and employment support” with the assistance of the Federal Competence Center. The mission of the FCC is to increase the competitiveness of Russian goods and services, creating a culture of high productivity and efficiency among organizations’ employees in each region of Russia.

Performance of labor efficiency is one of the most important factors in cost-effectiveness analysis. The combination of management tools, the development of technological competencies, new high-quality equipment and qualified personnel allow our factory to be leaders in the Russian electrical industry.

Digital automation of the production system is a key resource for our experts to show the best results on a high-quality equipment. Labor efficiency increase at the factory was + 27% in a year. Such performance is the contribution of each employee; the entire team helps to implement an effective strategy of the company.

Source: http://www.up-pro.ru/imgs/specprojects/lidery-promyshlennosti/2019/Productivity_2019.pdf

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