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Tomskcable visited the Republic of Belarus and took part in the “TECHINNOPROM” exhibition


From September 20 to 22 Tomskcable visited the Republic of Belarus and took part in one of the largest “TECHINNOPRPOM” exhibition of advanced technology, science and efficient industrial production in the Belarus with the support of the Administration of the Tomsk Region.

Our enterprise presented the ethylene-propylene rubber cables by own “TOFLEX” brand, an examples of rolling stock wire and mining industry cables.

“We learned about the market work features in the Belarus, we had several successful meetings with the Belarusian partner and now we have a lot of new developments, we were introduced to the terms for participation on the tender platform of the Republic,” says N. I. Matushchenko, head of the marketing and advertising department.  

Tomskcable specialists visited the enterprises of Minsk, such as Minskenergo, Minsk Tractor Factory, Belsetelectrostroy, Beltiz, Belarusian railway. Our specialists have negotiated on possible forms of cooperation and presented their new developments by own “TOFLEX” brand and signed new contracts.

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