Modernisation and optimisation of production are carried out on a regular basis. Every stage of the finished product manufacturing process is automated and is under strict 100% control: from the selection of raw materials to the shipment to the warehouse.
The administration of the Tomskcable factory understands the high importance of a social policy which creates favourable conditions for the activity of employees at the enterprise and is a required factor for the personnel to implement their capabilities.
We understand that it is hard to achieve company strategic goals without relevant social conditions. Social conditions which provide more opportunities for the personnel to implement their capabilities and to work effectively are created at the enterprise. The social component of the TOMSKCABLE company is an important element of its human, economic and productive potential.
The effective social policy of the factory implies caring for employees and providing all the mandatory social services and benefit for the personnel which enables us to attract new professionals and retain those who are already working for our company in a competitive environment in the labour market.
Comfortable work conditions are created for all the employees at the enterprise:
- Decent wages;
- Safe work places and improved labour conditions;
- Health care for employees;
- Corporate events and sporting activities;
- Gifts for employees and their kids for holidays and observances;
- Career development and training of personnel;
- Rental of sports hall and pool;
- Dining room within the factory area.
and foreign
Quality management system was audited for compliance with requirements of standards ISO 9001:2008, GOST ISO 9001-2011. 16-strand machine EUROALPHA and two bunchers for the manufacturing of flexible electrical conductors were installed, and MAILLEFER extruder was mounted and put into operation.
Modernisation enabled us to double production output of power, instrumentation and installation cables. A Fluoropolymer extruder was mounted and put into operation, as well as four braiding machines DRATEX 16; 24 complete with cabler to increase production output of the TOFLEX SGRK Self Regulating Heat Tracing Cables and TOFLEX installation cables.
An additional armouring machine with taping head was put into operation, and two NIEHOFF stranding machines were commissioned. The construction of a new 10,000 sq. m workshop of was completed. The workshop is designed to manufacture cables of high and medium voltage. Two NIEHOFF lines were mounted and commissioned in the new workshop for drawing of aluminium and copper wire. TOFLEX SOLAR cables for solar electric plants were developed, certified and commissioned into mass production. Production of cables with conductors of aluminium alloy including flexible TOFLEX АсКГ was established. Certificate of type approval for TOFLEX KS ship cables was obtained in the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
TOFLEX EMS brand cables were recognised as the best goods in the Tomsk region as a result of the "Best goods and services of Tomsk region" competition in nomination of "Technical and industrial goods“. We were also awarded the silver sign winner in the federal competition of "100 best goods of Russia". The awards were bestowed by the Governor of the Tomsk region S. A. Zhvachkin. Tomskcable LLC was awarded by diploma "Leader of RF industry" in nomination of "Electrical industry" for success in the Russian industry.
The POURTIER stranding machine was put into operation. It enables to twist cores of high quality insulated conductors for installation and instrumentation cables. Due to this machine production output of installation cables doubled. Installation cables for Automatic Process Control Systems were improved.
Modernization encompassed following operational characteristics:
- bending radius was reduced to make installation and laying easy;- temperature operational range was expanded;
- mutual capacitance between conductors was reduced;
- service life of cables increased to 40 years;
- noise protection was improved.
Mass production of the following items was established:
- TOFLEX cables for industrial heating including self-regulating ones; - carbon fiber cables;- tropical cables;
- ship cables;
- military power cables: нг(А), нг(А) – LS, HF, FRLS, FRHF;
- the range of mining cables was extended due to addition of cables of КУШ, КШВЭБбШв brands of design versions нг(А) – LS, HF, hermetically sealed version, designs of cables for mining machines were improved;
- cables for power transmission lines with steel core conductors and trapezium-shaped wires;
- polymeric mats which reliably protect the cable on the drum during storage and transportation.
The mats are very easy to install and less expensive than the wooden plating. A line for the processing of oil submersible cable and recycling of wire was put into operation.
Cables of the private label brand TOFLEX were put into production: installation screened twisted-pair cables TOFLEX M, installation multi-purpose cables TOFLEX KU, twisted-pair cables for high speed data transmission TOFLEX KV as well as power and instrumentation cables TOFLEX R, cables TOFLEX КГШРЭКП designed for connection of heading and winning machines, self-propelled cars and other vehicles and machinery to electric networks for voltage 1,140 and 3,300 VAC, frequency 50 Hz.
The range of output products was extended with cables for alarm and control systems as well as flexible cables for radio and electric installations. In 2015, Tomskcable was recognised by the Administration of Tomsk as a high quality successful innovative science-based production taking into account constantly changing demand and increased competition.
The mayor of the city noted the great achievements of Tomskcable LLC in solving the social and economic as well as social and political development tasks of the city of Tomsk. Tomskcable LLC was awarded by the Administration of the city of Tomsk with a status of official partner of festival "Day of Tomsk citizen".
Mass production of following items was established:
- installation cables МКШ, МКЭШ, МКШМ;- signal-block cables: СБВГ, СББбШв, СБПу, СБзПу;
- flexible power cables: КГ and КГ-ХЛ for rated value up to 660 kV inclusive;
- installation cables of НВ, НВЭ, НВМ, НВМЭ brands as per GOST 17515-72.
Products of Tomskcable LLC were certified by GazpromCERT VCS for delivery of cables and conductors for JSC Gazprom. A comprehensive strategic partnership agreement between Tomskcable LLC and Tomsk Polytechnic University and with Tomsk Polytechnic college was signed.
Production of signal-block cables СБВГ, СББбШв, СБПУ, СБзПу, installation cables МКШ, МКЭШ, МКШМ, flexible power cables КГ, КГ-ХЛ was established.
Construction of new production facilities to expand the range of production and to increase production output for the top requested brands of cables was started.
Mass production of halogen-free cables HF, FRHF was established.
Modernisation and expansion program for primary production facilities for 2011 was accepted in September, 2010.
Production of power cables with insulation of cross-linked polyethylene for voltage up to 6 kV was established. Production of fire-resistant FRLS cables was established.
Mass production of power cables with PVC insulation for working voltage 3 and 6 kV was established. Self-supporting insulated conductors were put into production.
Production of power cables with insulation of cross-linked polyethylene for voltage up to 1 kV was established.
Cable twisting machine Drum Twister was installed and put into operation, and it enabled us to expand the production range of power cables АВВГ, ВВГ of 120 - 240 mm cross-section, sector-shaped and armoured ones.
New multiple-strand wire-drawing machine, automatic coiling line, catenary line were mounted and put into operation, and it enabled us to significantly increase the production of flexible and installation conductors and cables.
Mass production of power and instrumentation armoured cables on automated armouring machine made in England was started.
Two-cage stranding machine was put into operation, and it enabled us to expand the range of cross-sections of the manufactured power cables, non-insulated conductors and increase instrumentation cable size to 37 conductors.
Production of cables with plastic insulation of NUM brand which comply with German standard DIN VDE 0250 was started.
Equipment for production of conductors of the following brands was mounted: ПЩ, ПЩС, МГГ and automotive wires of brands: ПВА, ПВАМ and ПГВА.
The first products of these brands were manufactured in February, 2004.
Production of cables for fixed installation, instrumentation cables, communication wires and cords of different purpose was established, in total, more than 500 label sizes.
The first batch of wires for overhead power line was shipped to the customers.
Manufacturing of cabling and wiring products was arranged, and a decision on gradual expansion of products range was taken.
Tomskcable LLC has all required licences, and it ensures supervision over all the activities to be carried out from the side of licensing authorities and compliance of the company with all the required requirements and conditions.
Certificate of Conformity with requirements of GOST RV 0015-002-2012 (Voluntary Certification System «MILITARY REGISTER»)
License for the right of manufacture and delivery of products for nuclear power engineering industry
Certificate of Conformity of QMS with requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2015 (ISO 9001:2015)
ООО «Томсккабель» сегодня — это более 500 профессиональных, нацеленных на результат сотрудников. С появлением новых проектов, увеличивая мощности, расширяя номенклатуру выпускаемой продукции, мы готовы принять в свою команду энергичных, высококвалифицированных профессионалов.
Чтобы стать сотрудником нашей компании, вам необходимо:
- Выбрать вакансию, соответствующую вашему образованию, навыкам и зарплатным ожиданиям.
- Отправить резюме соискателя на наш электронный адрес (обязательно указав в теме письма название вакансии).
- Дождаться звонка менеджера по персоналу и прийти на собеседование в наш офис.
Справки по телефону: +7(3822)76-56-27
Требуемый опыт работы: 1–3 года
Полная занятость, полный день
- Общаться с потенциальными покупателями
- Расширять рынки сбыта продукции
- Подготавливать коммерческие предложения и закрывать сделки
- Проводить переговоры и участвовать в выставках
- Сопровождать сделки, контролировать оплату и сроки изготовления продукции
- Опыт работы в сфере продаж (желательно электротехнической)
- Официальное трудоустройство
- Пятидневная рабочая неделя: пн.-пт. с 09:00 до 18:00, сб., вс. - выходной
- Заработная плата от 50 000 до 250 000руб.
положительного опыта руководства IT службой;
наличия опыта работы, понимание принципов работы подчиненных подразделений ( отдел программных разработок(программисты 1С), отдел автоматизации систем управления технологическими процессами (программисты, net.разработчики), отдел эксплуатации и защиты информации(системные администраторы, защита информации);
личный опыт программирования 1С;
умения расставлять приоритеты в выполнении задач и получать результат;
рациональных предложений по организации рабочего процесса подчиненных подразделений;
умения вести за собой коллектив, ставить задачи и получать результат;
умения грамотно обосновать и доносить свою позицию;
возглавить руководство IT службой с подчиненностью отделов ( отдел программных разработок, отдел автоматизации технологических процессов, отдел эксплуатации и защиты информации); координировать написание тех. заданий;
формировать стратегию службы, готовить предложения по усовершенствованию процессов;
обеспечивать повышение производительности труда, снижение стоимости затрат;
руководить работами по настройке и поддержке ИТ системе,
готовить техническое описание существующей ИВС, инструкции, регламенты обслуживания программных объектов системы;
осуществлять прогнозирование изменений в автоматизации предприятия и разрабатывать меры упреждающего управления;
умения устранять нарушения работы в программном обеспечении;
управление оборудованием локальной вычислительной сети предприятия;
проведение профилактических работ по поддержанию работоспособности средств вычислительной техники;
внедрение, нового оборудования, программ и программных средств;
вести бюджетирование службы, формировать заявочную компанию;
Работа в стабильной компании;
Современный комфортный офис в центре города;
Официальное трудоустройство;
Пятидневная рабочая неделя: пн.-пт. с 08:00 до 17:00, сб., вс. - выходной
Заработная плата от 150 000 руб.
- Составление налоговой, бухгалтерской и статистической отчетности;
- Контроль за ведением бухгалтерского учета, движением денежных средств на валютных и рублевых счетах, составление бухгалтерской документации для формирования бухгалтерской отчетности;
- Формирование и своевременное представление полной и достоверной бухгалтерской информации о состоянии взаиморасчётов с контрагентами и платежеспособности предприятия;
- Взаимодействие с ИФНС, финансово-кредитными учреждениями и другими контролирующими органами;
- Методическая помощь сотрудникам предприятия по вопросам бухгалтерского учета, контроля, отчетности.
- Опыт работы на производственных предприятиях (ОСН, УСН);
- Опыт прохождения камеральных проверок ИФНС;
- Опыт прохождения выездных и аудиторских проверок;
- Опыт управления коллективом;
- Работа в УПП и КА.
- Официальное трудоустройство, социальные гарантии согласно Трудового Кодекса РФ;
- Комфортные условия труда с соблюдением всех требований техники безопасности;
- График работы: пн.-пт.: с 09:00 до 18:00, сб.,вс.: выходной,
- Оплата труда определяется по итогам собеседования.