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Final results of the pilot project on improving labour efficiency


In his interview, Mikhail Kononov, a certified trainer for lean manufacturing, spoke about the completion of a pilot project:

  “The modern market and constantly changing conditions set new challenges for manufacturers. In conditions of a high variability, the enterprise must also change. Even reliable processes must be periodically analyzed, adjusted and improved. For 6 months, Tomskcable, with the support of specialists from the Federal Competence Center, has implemented a pilot project to increase the productivity of the manufacturing process for the armored power cable The purpose of this project was to launch the process of continuous improvement that aimed to increase the competitiveness and profitability of our enterprise. ”

  “And this is only the beginning – Tomskcable has started the implementation of the second project: Improvement of production efficiency and waste reduction in Cable Shop No. 2. All our operations that aimed at increasing labor efficiency provide confidence in our future as well as the future of the whole Russian Federation."

  Summing up the project on improving the labor efficiency Nikolay Yekimov, a representative of the Federal Competence Center summarized achievements of Tomskcable: “According to the results of the pilot project, your factory managed to reduce the average cable production time by 32 hours, work-in-process decreased by more than 15,000 m, and the number inconsistencies during production have minimized. Each of your employees is a leader for a change who, by improvement of his work contributes to the overall success of the enterprise. The completion of the pilot project is another step in the development of the Tomskcable industrial culture.”

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