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Томсккабель стал лауреатом регионального этапа конкурса «100 лучших товаров России» — «Лучшие товары и услуги Томской области-2022».


“Tomskcable” became the laureate of the competition in the nomination “Industrial purpose products” in the following positions:

Cables with polyethylene and polypropylene insulation for installation of submersible-pump and TOFLEX X shipboard cables.

High valuation of the product confirms its quality and reliability.

The Deputy Governor for economics Andrey Antonov presented the award to Deputy General Director for Development LLC “Tomskcable” Alexey Stryzhkov in the regional administration.

In October, Tomskcable will take a part in the competition “100 best goods of Russia” for the title of the best in the above positions at the federal stage.

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